Thursday, May 14, 2020



Literacy rate is the total percentage of people who are literate that is people who can read and write. It is popularly understood as an ability to read, write and use numerally in atleast one method of writing, an understanding and handbook definitions. We may also define ' literacy' as: " The ability to read, write and to handle information, to express ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners. And the literacy rate always calculate after 10 years. Firstly let me give you a brief note of the some states of India.
Andhra Pradesh is a state in the Republic of India. It has a population of 54 million according to the census of 2019. It is the seventh largest state by area covering an area of 162,975 km². It is known as land of koh - i - noor because of its large natural diamond supplies in its Kollur Mine. It is also known as the "Rice bowl of India" for being the major producer of rice once in India. It's official language is Telugu. Amaravati is the capital of this state.
Punjab is a state of Northern India. Its covers an area of 50,326 sq kilometres, 1.53% of India's total geographical area. It is XX largest Indian state by area. With 27,704,236 inhabitants at the 2011 census. And is 16th largest state by population comprising 22 districts. Punjabi is the most widely spoken and official language of the state. The capital of this state is Chandigarh. The five tributary rivers of Indus rivers from which the region took its name are Sutlej, Ravi, Beas, Chenab and Jhelum rivers. Sutlej, Ravi and Beas are parts of of the Indian Punjab.
New Delhi is the capital of India. It's covers an area of 573 square miles.It is bigger than the Faroe Island but smaller than Guadeloupe. It is also the part of national capital region, which has 12.5 million residents. It is located at the bank of the river Yamuna. Historians have evidence that people have been living in this region since atleast the 6th century BC. People also believe that the legendary city of Indraprastha was here. 
The India gate is a war memorial in Delhi. On the India gate there are names of some of the people who fought for India during 1914 to 1921.
West Bengal is a state of  the eastern region of India along with the Bay of Bengal. With over 91 millions inhabitants as of 2011. It is India's fourth most populous state. And it is 13th largest of Indian state, with an area of 88,752 km². The capital of this state is Kolkata, the seventh largest city in India, and the centre of third largest metropolitan city in India. Bengali is most official language in West Bengal.

Comparision of literacy rate

Reference- All the information has been gathered from Wikipedia pages and news.

For knowing your skill about Literacy you may play Quiz.

Monday, May 4, 2020



Comparision of 3 days AQI of the states of India and some international cities

What is AQI

AQI is an Air Quality Index which used    for reporting daily quality of air. It tells    you how clean or polluted your air is.... The index of the AQI ranges from 0-400+
where higher index values indicate higher levels of air pollution and higher potential for health effects. Any value larger than 300, is considered to be Hazardous, while an AQI value of 0-50, represents good air quality.

 What do you mean by AQI values                                             

  • 0-50 [Good]- Air Quality is satisfactory and poses little or no health risk.
  • 51-100 [Moderate]- Air Quality is acceptable and poses little health risk.
  • 101-150[Unhealthy for sensitive groups]-  General public and sensitive individuals in particular  are at risk to experience irritation and respiratory problems.
  • 150-200 [Unhealthy]- It probably effect the heart and lungs of the general public - particularly for sensitive group.
  • 201-300 [Very unhealthy]- General public will be noticeably affected. Sensitive groups will experience reduced endurance in activities.
  • 301-400+ [Hazardous]- General public and sensitive groups are at high risk to experience strong irritation and adserve health effect that could trigger other illness. 

What is PM in AQI

Particulate matter is the aspect of air pollution that has the greatest impact on our health. Those regularly exposed to harmful particles display a variety of symptoms. On a small scale, it can cause irritation, coughing, and shortness of breath. Long term, it can reduce lung function, cause irregular heartbeats, and result in premature death. People suffering from lung and heart disease, the elderly, and children are at the greatest risk.

What is PM 2.5

The classification of “PM 2.5” is reserved for particulate matter that is smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter. While particulate matter is always harmful, smaller particles are the most dangerous. They’re able to enter their way into the smallest parts of your lung. And because the smallest particles are invisible, it makes them even harder to avoid.

 What is PM 10

PM10 particles can be found in dust and smoke. PM10 are very small particles found in dust and smoke. They have a diameter of 10 micrometres (0.01 mm) or smaller. PM10 particles are a common air pollutant. 

Main Factors Of Air Pollution

  • Burning fossil fuels.
  • Agricultural activities.
  • Exhaust from factories and industries.
  • Mining operation.
  • Indoor air pollution.

  Four Cities Of India

  • New Delhi : As you all know that it is the capital of India. And now a days it is becoming the most polluted city in India because the of the transportation. As the Motor vehicle are the one of the main cause of poor air quality. And because of its poor air quality it damages the lungs of  2.2 million or 50% of the children. In addition, research it shows that poor air quality can lower the immune system of  children. 
  • Mumbai : It is population of 12.5 million and the  most populated city in India. It has been always been a huge city of economic significance in India because of its location on the konkan coast and it's deep natural harbour. It is the capital of the state Maharashtra. And the causes of bad air quality are mainly industries in the eastern suburbs and the garbage burning by the BMC and insufficient control over emissions levels from vehicles.
  • Kolkata : It is the one of the largest city and one of the major port in India. The reason behind the poor air quality is that the rampant uses of kerosene - mixed diesel by autorickshaw drivers in Kolkata Metropolitan Areas (KMA). In 2007, CNCI found that the 70% of people are suffering from respiratory disease like lung cancer, dyspnea and asthma caused by air pollution. But now a days the air pollution is decreasing because of the curfew or lockdown.
  • Hyderabad: It is an industrial hub in South- east India. In this city the air quality is also poor and it caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases can come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes and wild fires.   

    AQI Chart of 3 days of the cities of India

Four International Cities
  • London: It is the capital of England and United State. The air quality of this state is getting poor because of the cold, Londoners began to burn more coals than usual. The resulting air pollution trapped by the inversion layer formed by the dense mass of cold air.
  • Hongkong It is a metropolitan area and special administratrative region of China in the eastern Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. It has the World highest traffic density as well as coal- burning power plant which contribute a d estimated 50%  to the total level of pollution. That said pollution from China is the major problem.
  • Mexico :  It is the capital and largest city of Mexico and the most populous city in North America. This city is located in the Valley of Mexico. It was the most polluted city in the world in 1992. This is perhaps due to Mexico' s city high altitude and it's oxygen level was 25% lower and fuels do not combust completely. It causes about one in seventeen (5.9%) of all deaths in the country. It is the eighth largest cause of death, after factors such as diet, overweight, high blood pressure, alcohol and drugs, smoking and lack of exercise.
  • Berlin It is the capital of Germany and is the most populous city proper of the European Union. Berlin is the notorious for dirty air in Germany. The local government wants to to introduce speech limits on roads to tackle the problem, while environmental groups continue to call for a diesel ban across Germany.

AQI chart of 3 days of International Cities


References- All the information has been gathered from Wikipedia pages and Beijing Air Quality.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Short introduction on environment


Short Intro on Environment

Environment means natural world and it's surrounding : the air, the water and the earth. It consists of both living(biotic) and non-living(abiotic)things. There are 3 types of Environment : natural, industrial and social Environment. So, now a question arise, " is there any important to learn about Environment. Yes, it is really important to learn about Environment because it is the only where we live and share resources to other. It is the support for all living organisms and economic activity. The scientific study of plants and multi cellular organism is known as Botany. That carry photosynthesis. Sometimes it also referred as plant science or plant biology. It includes the study of structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, diseases , ecology and evolution of plants. The study of botany is important because they are the fundamental part of alife on Earth, generating food, oxygen, fuel, medicine and fibres that allow other forms to be exist.But now a days our environment is getting pollutant by some industrial waste,  deforestation,  population growth and so on ... So, how to protect our Environment by these harmful effects ?

1. Reduce, recycle and re-use ..

2. Keep things clean and pick up the garbages from our surrounding.

3. Try to use solar energy powers like solar cooker, solar dryer, solar chimney and etc...

Sun and Moon are not included in Environment of the Earth

LITERACY RATE OF SOME STATES  OF INDIA FROM 2001 TO 2011 LITERACY RATE Literacy rate is the total percentage of people who ar...