Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Short introduction on environment


Short Intro on Environment

Environment means natural world and it's surrounding : the air, the water and the earth. It consists of both living(biotic) and non-living(abiotic)things. There are 3 types of Environment : natural, industrial and social Environment. So, now a question arise, " is there any important to learn about Environment. Yes, it is really important to learn about Environment because it is the only where we live and share resources to other. It is the support for all living organisms and economic activity. The scientific study of plants and multi cellular organism is known as Botany. That carry photosynthesis. Sometimes it also referred as plant science or plant biology. It includes the study of structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, diseases , ecology and evolution of plants. The study of botany is important because they are the fundamental part of alife on Earth, generating food, oxygen, fuel, medicine and fibres that allow other forms to be exist.But now a days our environment is getting pollutant by some industrial waste,  deforestation,  population growth and so on ... So, how to protect our Environment by these harmful effects ?

1. Reduce, recycle and re-use ..

2. Keep things clean and pick up the garbages from our surrounding.

3. Try to use solar energy powers like solar cooker, solar dryer, solar chimney and etc...

Sun and Moon are not included in Environment of the Earth